Flanders Fields Ltd

We Fight Monsters


Children are at the core of everything we do.  Clearly children can't be vets, hence the immediate need to stand up a sister org to fund these efforts.  The volume of kids we encounter in trap houses and on the dope track is horrifying.  We don't simply try to take them away from their parents, we get them and their parents help, let them know they have options beyond living on the track, beyond selling dope, beyond being used as currency and fodder.

We send teams of veterans and volunteers into the most dangerous places in America (and elsewhere), to save addicted and homeless Americans, sex trafficked women, missing and exploited children, and Americans trapped in danger abroad.  We can only tell a fraction of our stories publicly, but every dime we raised gets put to immediate good use, as not one of our vets nor volunteers takes a check for going on these missions.

We fight monsters.

We fight evil.

We fight things people don't want to acknowledge exist.

Things people can't look at. Won't look at.

We've been to hell. Walked it. Lived it. It was our existence.

Some of us survived it because, at one point, we were monsters ourselves.

Others happened to grab an extended hand at just the right time.

But regardless of how we left hell, we remember the way out. We will spend our salvation going back in for those left behind.

It's our duty. Our calling. Our purpose. Our mission.

We fight monsters.

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We Are The Dead

We are the Dead is a sister organization to Flanders Fields, to carry their mission to those encountered on the streets, on the dope track, in the prisons and in the hell of addiction or sex trafficking who aren't veterans. Nobody on the Flanders team will step over the dead bodies of civilians to save a vet, but within the confines of the charter, funding can only be allocated to veterans. The need to stand up a second org focused on non-veteran funding for rescues and recoveries was immediately apparent, and to date, the Flanders team has been funding these efforts out of their own pockets, but no more! We are the Dead gets it's name from the same poem by LtCol John McCrae that Flanders Fields got it's name from, which reads in part: "

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields."

We are here to restore life to those who were once dead to their addictions and the streets, for we were once the dead ourselves.

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Ground Ops

Global and Domestic